The Life & Career of an English Actor 1717 - 1779


1687 Father, Peter Garrick, arrives in England from France.
1707 Peter Garrick marries Arabella Clough of Lichfield.
1717 David Garrick born in Hereford on February 19.
1717-1737 Childhood and youth in Lichfield, with a brief stay in Lisbon ca. 1728 to learn the wine trade with an uncle.
1725 Brother, George Garrick, born on August 22.
1735 Attends Edial Hall School, studying under Samuel Johnson.
1737 Travels to London with Samuel Johnson; enrols at Lincoln’s Inn but does not continue in the legal profession.
1738-1741 Pursues the wine trade in London with elder brother, Peter.
1740 First pieces he authored appear on stage: Lethe (at Drury Lane, April 1) and The Lying Valet (at Goodman’s Fields, November 30).
1741 Summer season: acts in Ipswich in Farquhar’s The Inconstant under the pseudonym “Mr. Lyddall.”
1741-42 Debut on the London stage, playing Richard III at Goodman’s Fields, October 19; his own name begins appearing on the playbills on November 23rd.
1742 Summer season at Smock Alley Theatre in Dublin.
1742-45 Actor at Drury Lane under Fleetwood’s management.
1745-46 Actor and co-manager, with Thomas Sheridan, at Smock Alley Theatre, Dublin.
1746 Viennese dancer Eva Maria Veigel, known as “La Violette,” arrives from the Continent to perform at the Haymarket Theatre.
1746-47 Actor at Covent Garden under John Rich’s management.
1747 Becomes co-manager of Drury Lane, with James Lacy, where he manages and acts until his retirement.
1749 Marries Eva Maria Veigel, June 22.
1749-72 Makes London home at 27 Southampton Street.
1751 Summer visit to Paris.
1754 Purchases country home, a villa at Hampton.
1763-65 Makes the Grand Tour, with visits to Paris, Turin, Milan, Florence, Rome, Naples (staying for three months), Venice, Munich.
1764 Stricken with typhoid fever in Munich.
1768 Unauthorized The Dramatic Works of David Garrickpublished in three volumes.
1769 The Shakespeare Jubilee at Stratford, September 6-9.
1772 Moves London home to No. 5, The Adelphi.
1774 The Dramatic Works of David Garrick published in two volumes by R. Bald, T. Blaw and J. Kurt.
1775-76 Farewell season; retires and sells his share of Drury Lane.
1776 In March, incorporates the Theatrical Fund by a bill in Parliament; Final performance as Don Felix in Mrs. Centlivre’s The Wonder, June 10.
1779 Dies in London, January 20.
1779 Buried in Poet’s Corner, Westminster Abbey, February 1. Roubillac statue and collection of plays left to the British Museum.
1779 Brother George dies on February 3, just two days after David Garrick’s funeral: “Davy wanted him.”
1822 Eva Maria Garrick dies, October 16.